Remember: ENMAX belongs to the people of Calgary. It is a money making investment owned in part by us - each and every citizen of Calgary. It is not the right of people on City Council to unilaterally decide to sell it off and fill their own pockets with money at the expense of raising our Taxes!

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About the Blog

We are a group of concerned people belonging to Cupe local 38 working for ENMAX. We started this blog in the hopes that we can get the word out on what's happening to the place where we work. Many of us are long-time employees; some with histories of 12+ years with ENMAX. Needless to say, we love our jobs; and for the most part, the place where we work.

Forces beyond our control have been pressuring "the powers that be", to sell our beloved company - and in short - put our jobs at risk. We felt the need to make our voices heard, and with the help of our fellow Calgarians (and Southern Albertans), put pressure on the local Calgary government to quit "toying" with the idea of selling our beloved workplace. You will also start to see, our concerns are not just to benefit in saving our jobs; but also in saving the people of Calgary's stake in ENMAX; which is vital to Calgary's (and other parts of Southern Alberta) economy. Losing ENMAX could be devastating to our city's budget and possibly lead to things, such as increased taxes... and I'm sure you're with me in saying: "we don't need anymore taxes"! So please help us get the word out; tell your friends, neighbors, uncles and cousins about our blog. Then write to your alderman (and aldermanic candidates) as well as the Mayor (and mayoral candidates) and express your concerns about selling ENMAX.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stop Bob Hawkesworth

To All 2010 Calgary Municipal Election Voters:

       As dedicated ENMAX employees of CUPE Local 38 we are again concerned about the privatization of ENMAX with the choice of Calgary mayoral candidates in the upcoming municipal election.   Over the recent months, we have seen private communication between ENMAX Executives and Alderman Bob Hawkesworth re-exploring this option.   In his 2010 election campaign for mayor, Mr. Hawkesworth mentions about the right and wrong priorities for the next City Council; here are some reasons why we think he should not be part of the next City Council:

       This is not the first time Mr. Hawkesworth (who is also an ENMAX Board member) has pursued the idea of selling the city’s largest municipal asset.  Back in 2001, Mr. Hawkesworth was leading the “background” efforts at City Council to sell ENMAX without any public consultation.  In late July 2001, City Council voted 9-5 in support of selling ENMAX at a closed-door meeting.  It hoped to rush the deal through by mid-September about 1 month before civic election.    Why the rush back then, Mr. Hawkesworth?  Why did Mr. Hawkesworth have private meetings with potential ENMAX buyers even before and later after he was elected as Ward 4 Alderman in 2001?  We thank citizens of Calgary then who strongly voiced their concerns to City Council forcing all aldermen to unanimously reverse their position.

       In 2003, Mr. Hawkesworth as Alderman and ENMAX Board member attempted to broker a multi-million dollar sustainable environmental project between ENMAX and the University of Calgary.  The intended project involved using land property from Mr. Hawkesworth, funding from ENMAX and research expertise by U of C.  Mr. Hawkesworth directed senior managers at ENMAX to waive millions of dollars owed by the U of C to ENMAX for distribution costs to encourage the university to proceed with the ENMAX proposal.   Not only was this a violation of code-of-conduct regulations (governing the retail and distribution companies within ENMAX), but also this precedent forced ENMAX to waive millions of dollars owed by large consumers for similar distribution costs.   In early 2004, due to conflict-of-interest concerns raised by the U of C and some ENMAX senior managers, the project did not proceed, but ENMAX had already lost millions of dollars in uncollected distribution costs from these large consumers.   Till today, we believe this matter prompted the sudden departure of senior managers like Bob Nicolay, Sean Durfy, Jay Manoharan and others.

       We are appealing to all Calgarians to consider these facts in their voting decision for Mayor in 2010.   If you have any information that you would like to share to support our concerns, please contact us at   We will do our best to circulate your information to the appropriate media and stakeholders and appropriate action is taken by the new City Council to ensure our elected officials no longer use ENMAX to support any political or business agendas.

Yours truly,
Concerned ENMAX Employees – CUPE Local 38
September 2010
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Help us... and help you too!

That's right, we've posted some interesting stuff on our blog that explains our predicament. We are confident, as you, the educated reader will make the sound judgment and hopefully express your opinion to City council and the aldermanic and mayoral candidates in the upcoming election. Let's make this a contentious issue and let the government know that the people of Calgary frown on privatization of an asset that helps keep filling the city coffers with money!

With concerned regards,
ENMAX Employees – CUPE Local 38
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Save our jobs - SAVE OUR ENMAX - Save our City!!

       Calgarians enjoy quality public services and utilities.  City utilities provide hundreds of millions of dollars to help pay for public services.  This keeps utilities and city taxes affordable.

However, some candidates in the fall’s municipal election support selling Calgary utilities, which will result in higher costs and taxes.  For more information about what certain people in City Council (and those aspiring to be on City Council) want to do to increase your taxes and electricity bill, read our newsletter from here. (you will need adobe pdf reader).

Yours truly,
Concerned ENMAX Employees – CUPE Local 38
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Monday, September 20, 2010

The truth

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